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Do you love the Word of God and sharing biblical principles with others? Homiletics may be the field for you. But how do you define homiletics? It is the research, preparation, and writing that goes into delivering a powerful sermon.

If you feel like this is your calling and want to learn the art of effective preaching, then LCM SOD has the program for you. Our Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) prepares students with an in-depth, practical education in theology, biblical studies, and ministry training. We understand that flexibility is important to our students, so this program is 100% online. You can earn your degree while working and serving your church.

Whether you want to start your ministry career now or work toward further education, a M.A.R. from Liberty is the answer. This degree can help you in church leadership, parachurch administration, and nonprofit roles. Plus, this program can prepare you for a Master of Divinity or doctoral degree if you decide you want to expand your knowledge later on.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Graduates of our seminary’s online Master of Arts in Religion will be prepared to tackle challenges in active, full-time ministry with churches and parachurch organizations. Here are some of the positions that you may qualify for upon graduation:
  • Associate pastor
  • Church education administrator
  • Lay ministry leader
  • Missionary
  • Religion professor
  • Sermon writer
  • Teaching pastor

Course Content

Preaching the Word of God is among the greatest privileges entrusted to man. It is also his greatest responsibility. Whenever a person stands to preach, they present themselves as a representative of Almighty God for as they interpret the Bible, they purport to present the mind of God. For it is through the apparent “foolishness” of Bible preaching that God has chosen to reveal Himself to mankind. 1Co 1:21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, God was well pleased, through the foolishness of our preaching, to save those that believe.

  • What is Homiletics?
  • Etymology of Homiletics

Preaching the Word of God is among the greatest privileges entrusted to man. It is also his greatest responsibility. Whenever a person stands to preach, they present themselves as a representative of Almighty God for as they interpret the Bible, they purport to present the mind of God. For it is through the apparent “foolishness” of Bible preaching that God has chosen to reveal Himself to mankind. 1Co 1:21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, God was well pleased, through the foolishness of our preaching, to save those that believe.

I want to introduce you now to five different kinds of sermons. I will try to explain briefly the idea behind each kind, and how you can use it. A preacher should become familiar with each type of message. This will give added variety to his ministry, and make it much more interesting for a congregation who may be listening to him week after week. Over a period of time, it will help him present a much wider coverage of Bible truths. The ministry of any preacher is enriched by versatility.